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2024-01-19 12:06优美句子


1. The book on the table is mine.

2. My sister, who is visiting us, likes to listen to music.

3. The teacher, who has been teaching for 30 years, has many students.

4. The dog, barking loudly, scared the mailman.

5. The man, who is standing in front of me, is my boss.

6. The store, which is around the corner, has fresh fruit.

7. My friend, who is a doctor, saves people's lives.

8. The car, which I bought last month, has many problems.

9. The boy, who is playing soccer in the park, is my neighbor.

10. The teacher, who graded my paper, gave me a good grade.

11. The man, who I met at the party last night, is a lawyer.

12. The phone, which I answered, was a missed call.

13. The girl, who is singing in the合唱团, is very talented.

14. The boy, who is eating ice cream, dropped it on the floor.

15. The store, which is near the park, has a lot of customers.

16. The man, who is walking with a friend, saw a可疑 person.

17. The woman, who is standing in the queue, is waiting for her turn.

18. The teacher, who is teaching English, has many students from different countries.

19. The car, which is parked in the garage, has a flat tire.

20. The man, who is sitting on a bench, is reading a book.

21. The woman, who is painting a picture, is my friend.

22. The boy, who is playing with his toys, is happy.

23. The girl, who is dancing in the party, is having fun.

24. The teacher, who is writing a letter to her parents, is away from home.

25. The man, who is taking a shower, called me to tell me he was leaving.

26. The woman, who is making a cake, asks for a recipe.

27. The boy, who is watching TV, turned the volume up.

28. The girl, who is making a present for her friend, is creative.

29. The teacher, who is giving a lecture, is very knowledgeable.

30. The man, who is walking in the park, saw a cat.

31. The woman, who is reading a magazine, is interested in fashion.

32. The boy, who is playing with his computer game, is engrossed.

33. The girl, who is singing a song, is expressing herself.

34. The teacher, who is grading the papers, is very busy.

35. The man, who is having a picnic in the park, invited my family.

36. The woman, who is cooking a meal, is a great cook.

37. The boy, who is playing with his toys, is bored.

38. The girl, who is dancing with her friends, is having fun.

39. The teacher, who is writing a story, is a writer.

40. The man, who is taking a walk, saw a beautiful view.

41. The woman, who is cleaning the house, is hardworking.

42. The boy, who is playing with his bike, is exercising.

43. The girl, who is making a craft, is creative.

44. The teacher, who is teaching science, has a passion for the subject.

45. The man, who is walking in the street, saw a protest.

46. The woman, who is making a presentation, is confident.

47. The boy, who is playing with his friends, is social.

48. The girl, who is singing a lullaby, is gentle.

49. The teacher, who is helping her student, is kind.

50. The man, who is having a conversation, is interesting.