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2023-11-14 12:05优美句子

1. JYB: Just Your Breath (呼吸)

2. LYB: Love Your Body (爱护身体)

3. HYB: Help You Breathe (帮助呼吸)

4. BreatheEZ: 呼吸轻松 (easy breathing)

5. BRE: Breathe Real (真实呼吸)

6. BREZ: Breathe Free (呼吸自由)

7. HALO: Breathe Head Up (将呼吸抬起)

8. HELP: Breathe Easy (帮助呼吸)

9. FIT: Breathe Equal (呼吸平等)

10. YOG: Breathe Down (呼吸下压)

11. ZEN: Breathe Free (冥想呼吸)

12. QUI: Breathe Easy (安静呼吸)

13. PEP: Pause, Breathe, Practice (暂停,呼吸,练习)

14. BREW: Breathe Right (正确的呼吸)

15. CHEER: Breathe Cheer (鼓舞呼吸)

16. YUM: Yum Breathe (美食呼吸)

17. YOGA: Breathe Down (瑜伽呼吸)

18. BHAVI: Breathe in, Breathe out (呼吸进入,呼吸出来)

19. DHANGA: Breathe Big (大呼吸)

20. DHANGA2: Breathe Bigger (更大呼吸)

21. RAJA: Breathe with Joy (喜马拉雅式的呼吸)

22. YOGUI: Breathe Like a Yoga Practitioner (像瑜伽练习者一样的呼吸)

23. LILO: Lift Your Breath (提升你的呼吸)

24. JAI: Just Air Intake (仅仅是呼吸摄入)

25. KRIYA: Breathe as One (作为一个呼吸)

26. BREZZ: Breathe Quickly (快速呼吸)

27. HALO2: Breathe Higher (呼吸更高)

28. PURSUE: Breathe with Purpose (有目的地呼吸)

29. RIVER: Flow Your Breath (流动你的呼吸)

30. TRE: Take a Breath (拿一个呼吸)

31. JUJU: Breathe with Energy (充满活力的呼吸)

32. YUKARA: Breathe with Awareness (带着意识呼吸)

33. KRIYA2: Breathe Like a Warrior (像战士一样呼吸)

34. FLOW: Breathe Like a Flowing Stream (像流水一样呼吸)

35. HOM: Breathe Honor (尊重的呼吸)

36. HONK: Breathe Honest (诚实的呼吸)

37. BLESS: Breathe in Peace (输入和平的呼吸)

38. GLOW: Breathe Radiant (闪耀的呼吸)

39. HOPE: Breathe with Hope (充满希望的呼吸)

40. CHEER: Breathe with Joy (带着喜悦呼吸)

41. YOGA: Breathe Like a瑜伽练习者(瑜伽呼吸)

42. PRANAYA: Breathe to Live (呼吸以生存)

43. YUMI: Breathe Like a Yogi (呼吸像瑜伽士一样)

44. RAJA2: Breathe Like a Raja (呼吸像瑜伽大师一样)

45. HONK2: Breathe with Honesty (诚实的呼吸)

46. YOGUI: Breathe Like a Yoga Practitioner (瑜伽呼吸)

47. DHANGA: Breathe Like a Breathing动物(呼吸像生物一样)

48. YUM: Breathe Like a Yogi (呼吸像瑜伽士一样)

49. YOGA2: Breathe Like a Yoga大师 (呼吸像瑜伽大师一样)

50. KRIYA3: Breathe Like a Kriya (呼吸像Kriya一样)。